Thursday, September 17, 2015

Joe Tacopina A-Rod Ex Super Liar Lawyer Raping his Ex Friend's Wallet Joey Saputo Court Dates NYC Coming?

Joe Tacopina the party of promotion to Serie A's Bologna.  Bight
Joe Tacopina the party of promotion to Serie A's Bologna. Bight
Tacopina vs Saputo, act first. On September 10 in fact (but the details have come out today) before the judge Jeffrey Oing, there was the first contact between John and Sheila Goldman Sadighi, legal respectively Joe Tacopina and Joey Saputo.

TACOPINA VERSION - The parties have made ​​clear on their positions: on the one hand Goldman reiterated that Tacopina would be bypassed by his partner Joey Saputo, which did not comply with the agreement signed last December 1. Agreement providing loans against Joe to support capital increases, and the maintenance of the office of president. The problem would arise, however, when Saputo - obliged to pay the money to Tacopina, useful to maintain its share in the partnership - has not complied with the commitments, acting rather large capital increases knowing that his partner could not sustain them through their own efforts economic. So share Tacopina fell current 13.69%. Finally, a letter a few days ago in which Saputo announced to Tacopina that was no longer the president of Bologna and which forced him to take legal action.
VERSION KNOWN - According to Sheila Sadighi the notification letter of September would not change the cards on the table instead. The legal Canadian entrepreneur in fact, explained that Tacopina knew since last July 23 that Saputo would not have lent the money and that its share would fall below 15%, going to settle the terms of the agreement. The capital increases therefore, not least that which has virtually sidelined Tacopina, can not therefore be unjustified as Advocate Goldman, but rather due to a deficit that company was waived and increased costs due to return to Serie A . Finally Sadighi explained that to steal the presidency Tacopina will need a board of directors and that Joe, despite having acted in recent days in Italy even as patron rossoblù, will not be paid for it. In addition, the office of the Canadian believes that there is no damage to Tacopina, as the New York for several months he had the majority.
BOTTA & RESPONSE - After the description of the respective positions, John Goldman - legal Tacopina - claimed that everything is created by the absence of the agreement Park Lane Investments, which poured 15 million euro agreed causing more immediate commitment to part of Joey Saputo, who would say that it is not willing to prevaricate Tacopina, which instead would be caused irreparable damage not only in economic terms, but also relative to the loss of power on a club among the healthiest in the world of sports. The party, represented by Sheila Sadighi, responded that the demands are not met since the five days offered Joe to respond to the capital increase. Any restraining order could also ensure Tacopina to earn a salary as president, but would not restore the situation of the shares. Tacopina, according Sadighi, not now governs the company since last February, being now Claudio Fenucci to play this role.
CONCLUSIONS - Judge Jeffrey Oing considered that now Tacopina is out of the game and has nothing to preserve, not having adhered to the capital increase by 31 August. Even the restraining order requested by the lawyer New York would now effect, seen too many events that occurred before the trial. At the request of the lawyer Goldman however, Judge Oing agreed to set a new hearing in the presence of Tacopina and Saputo, pertrovare a solution. Solution that will be found in one way or another, for a fracture now evidently incurable.

article by  Luigi Polce 

Suzannah B. Troy's opinion

 Do I have to say Joe Tacopina belong in jail in my opinion or is that a given because this is an opinion blog. Joe Tacopina was humiliated in court by the NYDN and Tim Palatore -- Joe Tacopina lost in court here in the USA and Tacopina was too stupid to be happy he got off on what was a frivolous and stupid lawsuit especially against a gutsy NYDN sports reporter!

 Joe Tacopina in my opinion is a moron who uses verbal violence, threats -- like the NYPD that forced me to drop charges and IAB Sgt Mary O'Donnell who sat in a car by Washington Square Park and read me my attacker Dr Andrew Fagelman's violent lying attack receptionist signed letter THREATENING me again and I BELIEVE JOE TACOPINA DRAFTED THE LETTER FOR DELITA HOOKS A VERY SERIOUS CRIME but Joe Tacopina so far is like his ex boss Charles Hynes the Brooklyn DA and the corrupt cops Hynes protected so Tacopina has avoided being disbarred and if I get subponea power my goal is get whom ever was behind the threats on YouTube and ghost wrote that letter as well as the NYPD involved in threatening me ARRESTED along with my attacker. This would take a special prosecutor and I continue to hope one day along with other victims we will get Justice.

 For now I am many others are celebrating the fact Joe Tacopina aka super liar Bernie Kerik proved that, the informant lawyer has burnt yet another bridge. He wanted Saputo to be his sugar daddy and Tacopina would get to act like some rock star but Saputo....

Here in NYC Joe Tacopina is called the informant lawyer and there are soprano analogies to Big Pussy....

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